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How to Determine if Your Newborn Son Should Be Circumcised or Not

477403048The decision to circumcise or not circumcise, your newborn can be a very difficult one. While all parents want the best for their children, it isn’t always easy to determine which choice will have the most positive impact on your child’s health and well-being.

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the penis’s foreskin, which is typically performed in the first few months of an infant’s life. Research suggests that there are potential health benefits associated with circumcision, but it also shows that the procedure is not without certain risks.

Benefits and Risks

In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ruled that the potential benefits of circumcision slightly outweigh the associated risks. However, they found that the benefits are not significant enough for them to recommend circumcision for all newborns, stating that parents should feel free to make the decision they feel is best for their own children.

After a careful review of the available research, the AAP determined that circumcision was associated with a reduced risk of contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), genital herpes and syphilis. It also reduces the risk that sexual partners will contract cervical cancer, and reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections prior to age one.

The risk of minor complications from a circumcision is between one and three percent, and these complications may include infection or extra bleeding. The risk of more serious complications that require follow-up surgery is less than one percent.

One guaranteed downside of circumcision is that it hurts. The pain and soreness shouldn’t last more than a few days, and newborns won’t remember the pain, but many parents aren’t comfortable putting their child through that discomfort when it isn’t absolutely medically necessary.

Making Your Choice

In the end, your decision regarding circumcision is a personal one, and there is no right or wrong answer. Religion and culture may play a role (those of the Jewish and Islamic faiths traditionally opt for circumcision) as well as your family or personal history.

Some parents opt for circumcision simply because they want to make sure that their children fit in with their peers. However, the Centers for Disease Control reported in 2010 that the rate of circumcisions in hospitals have dropped to about one-third. So don’t feel pressured one way or the other by the fear that your kid will stand out—these days, there are plenty on both sides of the fence!

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How To Deal With Kids That Overeat


Parents may often worry about the number of snacks their child seems to eat through the day. If you too fret about kids that overeat, do not worry, this is a situation faced by many parents. Children tend to need food in shorter and more regular intervals that adults do. When you consider the fact that they have a small stomach, a high growth rate and energy level, it makes sense for them to feel hungry more often than you do.

How to Help Kids that Overeat

The most important thing that you can do when dealing with children who overeat is to be prepared. It would be wise to have a selection of healthy snacks, easily available. This way, when your child is hungry and needs to eat between meals, you can offer a nutritious snack.   Children need 30% less fats than they did as babies. So when you plan family meals and snacks you need to bear this in mind. Fruit, yogurt, whole grains are great options to choose from. For young children do avoid foods such as peanuts and raisins that may be choking hazards.

It is vital that you allow your child to understand when his or her body is sending them signals that they are full. Do not force a child to finish everything on their plate if they are full. Instead next time you could reduce the size of the portions. Of course, you would want to ensure that they do not leave out the vegetables and only finish the pasta or sandwich that they love!

For some children eating is a way of spending quality time with the parents. To avoid this association we think you may want to plan on some one-on-one time with your child daily. The last snack for the day could be eaten an hour or two before bedtime, after which you can declare the kitchen closed. This will help avoid any delays at bedtime.

Unless your pediatrician is concerned about your child’s weight, do not worry if your child is eating frequently. Do ensure that they have adequate healthy snacks and meals through the day, and understands when their body is full.

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Health Care Tips For College Students


College students are constantly exposed to stress in the form of schoolwork, financial problems, athletic pressures, relationship issues, part-time work demands, and other tough responsibilities. All of these can compromise the immune system and make students vulnerable to illnesses. With so much to do, no one has the time or resources to spare for these problems. Health care for college students is primarily the responsibility of each individual. Some guidelines to aide are as follows:

Know the Common Health Problems at Universities

Educate yourself not only about the lessons discussed in class but also the most common health problems encountered by students at the university. Flu, strep throat, sinus infection, colds, bruises, sprains, meningitis and mono are typical but your particular school may have its own unique issues. Keep your ears to the ground as you may pick up news of a disease spreading across the student body.

Make Prevention Measures Part of Your Daily Habit

Don’t wait until you get it to fight it off. Make prevention measures a regular part of your daily habit. Always wash your hands with soap and clean water as you never know whether you’ve touched something that was infected in a public space. Use a disinfectant like isopropyl alcohol or something similar for times when you don’t have immediate access to a washroom. Avoid contact with the sick and be careful when you are walking about to avoid accidents.

Vigilantly Monitor for Symptoms

Catch the disease developing from the outset. It will be easier to fight it off at this stage. Learn all of the usual symptoms and monitor yourself if you have any of them. Fever, coughing, sneezing and headaches are signs that you may be experiencing some underlying medical issue.

Act Quickly to Contain the Problem

Have appropriate over-the-counter drugs on standby to alleviate the pain and symptoms. Drink plenty of water and eat well so that your body can combat the pathogens from the inside. If symptoms don’t fade after a few days, go to the school nurse or doctor for a checkup.

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Tips for Treating Your Teen’s Acne


Acne can be a source of frustration in teens, given it has no true cure. To keep it under control, use conventional medications or let it clear as you grow older. Here are some tips for treating teenage acne:

Medical Treatments

• Benzoyl peroxide

You can buy benzoyl peroxide in drugstores as a gel, liquid wash, or lotion without a prescription. It works by killing harmful bacteria, unplugging oil ducts, and healing pimples. Take note the gel formulation can cause skin reddening and drying. To avoid this possible side effect, start with a lotion or liquid wash.

• Using benzoyl peroxide

Teens should apply a 5% lotion or wash once daily during first seven days. If one does not develop symptoms like skin reddening, up usage to twice per day. In addition, it is advisable to avoid area around the eyes. If there is no improvement within 4-6 weeks, go for 10% gel or lotion and start applying sparingly as described above.

Strong Medications

• Isotretinon

Isotretinon is sold as a pill using brand names like Sotret or Accutane. Since it is very strong, it should only be used when other treatment options fail. Moreover, pregnant women should never take it to avoid birth defects and deformities. In general, one should take isotretinon under careful supervision of a doctor.

• Retinoid

Retinoid, available as a gel or cream, is the next teen acne drug doctors prescribe if benzoyl peroxide fails. After applying retinoid, teens should not visit tanning salons or expose themselves to direct sunlight. Known side effects include skin reddening and peeling.

• Antibiotics

Antibiotics in the form of pills, gels, lotions, creams, or solutions can also help.

Word of Caution

When treating acne, teens should not expect instant results. Patience is the key because it can take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks for noticeable change to appear. Furthermore, one should always follow their doctor’s directives religiously, and never increase or reduce prescribed dosage. It is also not wise to use another person’s acne treatment. It is important to remember that, with continuous treatment and care, acne can clear up mostly, if not fully, in most cases.


If you have a teen struggling with acne, try benzoyl peroxide. For medications like retinoid and isotretinon, consult a qualified doctor first. Follow Us For More Articles on Parenting and More.

Cholesterol And Its Relationship To Fertility


According to a recent study, there is a relationship between cholesterol and fertility. The study shows that high levels of cholesterol may impair fertility, especially if each partner has a high cholesterol level. Furthermore, it shows that couples in which the woman’s cholesterol level is high, but the man’s level of cholesterol is in the acceptable range also took longer to achieve pregnancy. At Successful Parenting Today, we aim to help you understand the relationship between cholesterol and fertility.

Cholesterol has a bad reputation because it is linked to stroke and heart attack when the level is too high, and decreased sex drive and hormonal imbalances when it is low. However, this fat-based substance plays a necessary role in the body’s basic functions. It helps to rescue the work of blood vessels, protects nerve fibers, helps build cell membranes, and helps in the production of bile acids, vitamin D and hormones that are necessary for fertility.

Cholesterol, a fat-like, waxy substance found in all cells of the body, is a precursor for steroid hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, which are important for both women and men. Hormones play a part in reproduction, maturation of the sperm and eggs, and in the preparation of the uterus. When protein mixes with cholesterol in the blood stream, it creates low-density lipoprotein, which delivers cholesterol to body tissues, and high-density lipoprotein, which delivers cholesterol to the ovaries and adrenals for hormone production.

Although the low-density lipoprotein is seen as the bad cholesterol, studies show that it can aid in muscle building. The high-density lipoprotein, good cholesterol, takes up excess cholesterol to the liver for processing and disposal. Triglycerides are than added into both high-density and low-density lipoproteins.

Acceptable cholesterol levels depend on a person’s risk factors for heart disease. The ideal HDL, high-density lipoprotein, level for a woman with no risk factors is greater than 50mg/dL, while her ideal LDL level should be between 100 and 129 mg/dL. 150 mg/dL is her ideal triglyceride level.

It is important to maintain healthy cholesterol levels by eating a balanced diet, increasing fiber intake, and decreasing saturated fats. Moderate alcohol intake, 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink for women, can increase levels of good cholesterol. Exercise such as swimming, walking, cycling, and running is also important.

The relationship between cholesterol and fertility has not been determined conclusively. However, women who want to get pregnant should try to love a healthy lifestyle to improve their mental and physical condition and decrease any negative effects that cholesterol might have on fertility.

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Severe Morning Sickness, Hyperemesis Gravidarum Explained


We, Successful Parenting Today, are concerned about your health and that of your children. Here is some information that sheds some light on something you may have heard about: extreme morning sickness. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a rare but serious condition that affects pregnant women, and if not controlled, it can jeopardize the health of a pregnant woman.

Hyperemesis gravidarum explained

Most women experience some level of nausea and vomiting, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy. However, a few women experience severe vomiting and nausea that not only increase their discomfort, but also affect their health due to the reduced foodstuffs retention in the body. This condition, although severe for pregnant women’s health, does not affect the well being of the fetus directly. Dehydration and malnutrition, caused by the excessive loss of foods and liquids, can affect the baby by restricting nutrients needed for healthy development, though.

Illness duration and symptoms

Women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum mostly experience nausea and vomiting between the first and sixteenth week of their pregnancy. However, some women have been said to experience this illness during the whole gestation period. Extreme weight loss (up to five pounds), dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth and reduced urination frequencies characterize hyperemesis gravidarum.

Hyperemesis gravidarum treatment

Most pregnant women usually find home remedies such as bitter tea, lemon and ginger to counter nausea and vomiting. Some doctors prescribe readily available remedies such as ginger and vitamin supplements, especially Vitamin B6. It is also highly recommended that hyperemesis gravidarum patients stay under the keen monitoring of health professionals whether at health facilities or home. Again, as much as the condition does not allow for the retention of foodstuffs in the pregnant women’s bodies, and most foodstuffs trigger nausea, these women are encouraged to continue taking food and drinks. This is because the baby can be affected if the mother is not ingesting adequate nutrients.

The cause of this condition is not clearly understood, but it is recommended that a woman seeks professional medical assistance if she is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum in order to assure the safety of the pregnancy and child.

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Tips For Managing Gestational Diabetes


Gestational diabetes is a condition that affects more than 135,000 pregnant women per year. The condition arises only in pregnant women because of the shift in hormones that such women experience. A brief explanation of the condition is that it is a high blood sugar level that develops and is first diagnosed during a women’s pregnancy. Symptoms of gestational diabetes include symptom such as fatigue, extreme thirst, frequent urination and bladder infections.

Many cases of gestational diabetes disappear after the birth of the child. However, the pregnant woman must take steps to ensure that she keeps her blood sugar level down as much as possible. Gestational diabetes can cause the birth of an extremely heavy baby or health problems for the baby if the women does not control it. The following are some tips for managing gestational diabetes:

Dietary Changes

A woman should control the number of times she eats during the day, and she should eat specific percentages of certain foods. For one, the woman should eat at least three meals per day, and she should take snacks in between those meals. She will want to get about 45 percent of her calories from carbohydrates. She will want to choose lean proteins to eat, and she will want to make those account for 20 percent of her overall meals. Furthermore, the woman will want to keep the fat down to a 35 percent minimum. If she does eat fats, she should ensure that they are healthy fats such as avocados and nuts.

Frequent Tests

Frequent testing is an important factor in controlling gestational diabetes. A woman should test herself before and after meals to ensure that she is staying within the confines of a healthy blood sugar level. The doctor can prescribe a testing device or the women can purchase one at a local pharmacy or drug store.

Gestational diabetes can be managed if the person takes the test as early as possible during pregnancy. The obstetrician will usually want to take the test at the 24th week of pregnancy. Please follow us for more tips and information on parenting, pregnancy and more.

The Love Run Race Day 2015: Photo Gallery

145194074Well, that’s it… Race Day 2015 for the Love Run Half Marathon is done and in the books. We would first like to thank all of our readers who were able to make it out to race day, it was a lot of fun! We are already getting ready for next year’s race: The Love Run 2016 — which will have a date set and announced in the near future… Until then, enjoy some of the race day photos below, and don’t forget to visit the official site of the Love Run for even more race day photos and the full list of results and times.

2015 Love Run Race Day


The Love Run 2015

Time Is Ticking, Register For The Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon In 2015!

As the days go by, we are edging closer and closer to the race day of Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon! If you haven’t registered yet for this half marathon organized by CGI Racing, then you definitely should before its too late! The half marathon is scheduled to take place on March 29th 2015 from 8 am onwards, at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. The half marathon is currently 95% sold out, therefore those interested should act fast. Those completing registration before 15th March will be able to enjoy registering at a discounted rate of just USD 99. By registering for this exciting event you will be able to enjoy a lot of perks as well!

Lots Of Perks!

The first perk offered by Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon is free Phillies tickets, for the first 10,000 registering for the half marathon is entitled to getting this special perk. In addition to this, runners registering for this half marathon will also get a long sleeve tech shirt and a commemorative coffee mug which is black on the outside and bright red on the inside. Those who finish the half marathon will be awarded with the incredible Love Run spinner finish medals. There will be private tents or port-a-potty available to those who are registering for group racing with twenty members or more. Runners can also enjoy complimentary BOGO beer at the race party!

Exciting Marathon!

Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon is definitely one of the most exciting marathons out there. It is the best way of exploring the beautiful Philadelphia city, which is also known as the City of Brotherly Love. The total distance to be covered here is 13.1 miles, which is quite long but the perks offered by the race and the beautiful sights and sounds experienced during the marathon will keep you going! Thus, you will be able to have a good time at the half marathon because this one will love you right back!

Not A Runner? That’s Ok!

Even if you do not like participating in marathons, you can always register for volunteering at the race to enjoy the perks. You can sign up for group volunteering (20 members minimum) and raise money for your team, club or organization because you’ll receive donations. Register now to join as a participant or a volunteer!

Do You Want To Be A Part Of This Half Marathon In 2015? Hurry And Register Today! Click Below To See More:

Half Marathon In 2015

Dealing With Vomiting During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a breeze for some women. However, many women find pregnancy difficult to deal with because of the vomiting and nausea they experience.  Morning sickness is a problem that affects around 65 percent of women during pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with pregnancy sickness. Below is a list of tips that will help:

Sip Water

Sipping water is one of the best things you can do to deal with pregnancy sickness. Studies have shown that women who drink a glass of water every hour are less likely to experience morning sickness. Drinking water also helps keep you hydrated.

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Ginger can also help you deal with nausea and vomiting. It helps block the secretion of acids in the stomach that lead to vomiting and nausea. Additionally, the flavor and smell of ginger can prevent the vomiting sensation. You can have one or two cups of ginger tea in the morning.

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Lemon has been shown to have a calming effect on the body and can help ease vomiting and nausea. Lemons are also a great source of vitamin C. You can squeeze a little bit of lemon juice in your water and drink it every morning.

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Peppermint is an herb that can reduce pregnancy sickness. It is easy on the stomach, which is why it is great for alleviating nausea. You can add some dried peppermint to a cup of warm water and consume it in the morning.

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Increase Your Intake Of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 has been shown to help ease morning sickness. You can eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamin B6. Corn, nuts, brown rice and bananas are some of the foods that are high in vitamin B6. You can also take a vitamin B6 supplement. However, it is a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before you take any supplement.

Vintage Horizontal Bar34Pregnancy sickness can be difficult to deal with. Fortunately, you may already have everything you need to treat your pregnancy sickness in your home. Follow us at Successful Parenting Today for more helpful and informative articles on parenting, pregnancy and more.