Archive | August 2015

Teaching Teens About Abstinence


A NIMH-funded research carried out in the year 2010 indicated that teenagers who received intervention focused on abstinence were less likely to engage in sexual intercourse at an early age. This was not the case in teens who only received a general intervention focusing on health. Here are some of the statistics gathered from the research on how teaching teens about abstinence can help delay sexual activities.


Sexually active teens are at a high risk of getting unplanned pregnancies, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The rate of those experiencing the negative outcomes of sex is higher in African Americans than it is in their peers. Studies show that an intervention focusing on behavior reduces the risk of HIV and STI. However, according to policymakers, it is not yet clear which type of intervention is most effective. Most states use programs that only focus on abstinence. However, most abstinence-only programs have been deemed ineffective for their lack of proper research, moralistic approach, and negative portrayal of sex.

Here are some of the most common programs used in schools in most states in America.


This program focuses more on educating teens on the benefits of abstinence. Teens are taught about STIs and unplanned pregnancies and how abstinence can help them attain their goals for the future. Teens are also taught skills on how to resist temptation and pressure to have sex.

Safer Sex

This program focuses more on teaching teens how to protect themselves during sex. Teens are encouraged to use condoms whenever they engage in sexual intercourse.

12 hr Comprehensive

This programs is a combination of both abstinence intervention and safer sex. Teens are encourage to use protection, but only if they are not able to abstain.


Studies on the all available intervention programs regarding sex show that abstinence-only programs work well in discouraging sex among teens. However, the same research shows that the results collected cannot be used to generalize other programs. This is because different programs work for different crowds in different parts of the world.

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How Length Of Human Pregnancy Can Vary


It has been discovered that pregnancy duration heavily relies on natural factors as opposed to the human estimates that are normally made. The trajectory that natural pregnancy will take can be accurately within the early stages of fertilization. So what really influences pregnancy duration in women?

Change in Sample Testing

Earlier on, pregnancy lengths were calculated using erroneous methods such as using the rising temperature of a woman to determine when an embryo implanted. This method was later on ruled out and the current investigation for embryo implanting is determined through urine samples. Three hormones-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), pregnanediol-3-glucoronide and estrone-3-glucoronide are used as indicators for embryo implantation in the womb. When the embryo successfully implants, it secretes the hormone HCG whose levels in the female body determine successful fertilization.

Factors Determining Length of Pregnancy

How long the embryo takes to implant heavily determines the pregnancy duration of the woman. Additionally, the ratio of estrogen to progesterone level affected pregnancy lengths—the longer the progesterone levels took to rise, the shorter the pregnancy period with birth occurring as early as 12 days. Another factor that heavily influenced pregnancy duration was age of the woman—older women take much longer to give birth compared to younger women.

Weight was also discovered to play a major role in pregnancy lengths. Women who were naturally heavier at birth were discovered to have longer pregnancy days compared to women who weighed less. Approximately, each 100g of weight on the woman equals to a one day increase in the longer the pregnancy will take.

A last determining factor of pregnancy lengths was the history of previous pregnancies. Generally, it was discovered that if a woman took longer days to give birth in the past, they are likely to take longer conceiving in the future. This observation was drawn from the constant idea that women show consistency patterns in delivery throughout their lives.

Thus pregnancy lengths are determined by the factors that play at the early stage of pregnancy, age of the woman, weight at birth and the consistency in delivery showed by the woman.

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Understanding The Rights Of The Father


Sometimes, divorce happens, and can come in the way of a family, but both parents have a right to foster a relationship with their children. As a father, you need to understand your rights in order to enjoy them. Here is a guide to the rights of the father in any broken relationship when it comes to children.

Child Support

Child support is the money that the non-custodial parent pays regularly to support in paying the expenses of the child. If as a father you have custody of the children, you may be entitled to child support from the mother of your children. The amount you receive is dependent on several factors and it can be arrived at amicably or you may use the legal system if the mother of the child is not willing to pay.

You may ask for the revision of the terms of the child support payments in circumstances when your living conditions have changed, to cater for such things as high rates of inflation and to lower payments if you have been retrenched or sacked.

Visitation Rights

As a father, you have the right to visit your children. In most cases, the visitation periods are set up through a court system or through an agreement with the mother. The mother should not interfere with your visitation rights. However, in some cases, visitation can be denied. For example, if you pose a physical threat to the children, you may be denied visitation.

Right to Paternity

You are entitled to be a father to your own children. However, you should be careful not to lose this right. For example, if the mother of your children remarries, and the stepfather is willing to adopt your child, you may lose your paternity rights. Therefore before you agree to such an agreement, you should fully understand your situation. If you are not conversant of the law, please consult an expert on family law before you agree to the arrangement. However, in some states, you may still have some rights to paternity even after your children have been adopted.

As a parent, you also have the right to know what is happening to your children. Therefore you may have access to their school report cards, their medical records and any other records. You also have a right to receive a paternity leave.

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How To Deal With Kids That Overeat


Parents may often worry about the number of snacks their child seems to eat through the day. If you too fret about kids that overeat, do not worry, this is a situation faced by many parents. Children tend to need food in shorter and more regular intervals that adults do. When you consider the fact that they have a small stomach, a high growth rate and energy level, it makes sense for them to feel hungry more often than you do.

How to Help Kids that Overeat

The most important thing that you can do when dealing with children who overeat is to be prepared. It would be wise to have a selection of healthy snacks, easily available. This way, when your child is hungry and needs to eat between meals, you can offer a nutritious snack.   Children need 30% less fats than they did as babies. So when you plan family meals and snacks you need to bear this in mind. Fruit, yogurt, whole grains are great options to choose from. For young children do avoid foods such as peanuts and raisins that may be choking hazards.

It is vital that you allow your child to understand when his or her body is sending them signals that they are full. Do not force a child to finish everything on their plate if they are full. Instead next time you could reduce the size of the portions. Of course, you would want to ensure that they do not leave out the vegetables and only finish the pasta or sandwich that they love!

For some children eating is a way of spending quality time with the parents. To avoid this association we think you may want to plan on some one-on-one time with your child daily. The last snack for the day could be eaten an hour or two before bedtime, after which you can declare the kitchen closed. This will help avoid any delays at bedtime.

Unless your pediatrician is concerned about your child’s weight, do not worry if your child is eating frequently. Do ensure that they have adequate healthy snacks and meals through the day, and understands when their body is full.

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